The Impact of Pathfinder Technology: Insights from Jay-Be, Alliance Office Systems, and Knightsbridge Furniture

There are a variety of options out there for automatic fabric cutting and spreading CAD/CAM technology. The question is, which one and why Pathfinder? We recently caught up with Rob Livingstone, Operations Director at Jay-Be, Andrew Brown, Financial Director at Alliance Office Systems, and Craig Weston, Production Manager at Knightsbridge Furniture, to find out the answer.

Rob Livingstone, Operations Director at Jay-Be

How did you handle cutting before?

Like most companies, Jay-Be relied on highly skilled pattern makers and hand-cutting tools to cut materials manually using patterns.

Why did you decide to automate your cutting process?

During the design stages of our new folding bed range, it soon became clear that the volume of products required would exceed our current cutting capacity. After a chance meeting with John Hollo many months earlier, we arranged to discuss the potential of introducing Pathfinder technology into our business.

How has Pathfinder improved your business?

The Pathfinder cutting machine has allowed us to upscale production quickly and efficiently while reducing waste to almost zero. Training time for the machine was only a matter of days, enabling us to train and promote a machine operator from within the company.

Rob Livingstone

The new folding bed range for Jay-Be has been a significant project spanning almost three years. These new beds will be sold globally through many of the largest retailers both online and in-store. The Pathfinder cutting machine has been pivotal in scaling up production quickly to meet tight deadlines, playing a crucial role in the successful launch of this well-received product.

How easy was it for your staff to learn the new system?

It was very easy. We advertised the role internally and trained two operatives in just a few days.

Would you go back to manual operations now?

There will always be a place in our business for manual cutting operations for some of our more detailed and intricate sofa beds. However, for bulk production and total accuracy, we will continue to rely on Pathfinder.

Would you recommend Pathfinder?

Absolutely. From the first meeting through to the final installation, we have had nothing but positive and proactive interactions with each member of the Pathfinder team. The machine is simple to use, well-built, and performs exactly as needed, with the added benefit of having everything we might need in the future.

Andrew Brown – Financial Director at Alliance Office Systems

How did you handle cutting before?

Previously, we relied on skilled operatives to mark up templates and then manually cut them using electric knives.

Why did you decide to automate your cutting process?

Training fully skilled cutting operatives takes several years, which could become a challenge as our business grows. Therefore, we decided to automate the cutting process to simplify operations, increase efficiency, maximize fabric yield, and reduce waste.

How has Pathfinder improved your business?

Alliance has an excellent reputation for being one of the fastest manufacturers in the office seating industry. The Pathfinder machine will help us maintain and potentially enhance this reputation as we continue to grow. Cutting time has significantly improved, especially when cutting soft seating, breakout furniture, and more complex pattern layups, where the time savings have been substantial. Nesting the cut parts, particularly on larger layups, has significantly improved material yield and minimized waste. Although we haven’t developed any new product lines since the machine’s installation, I am confident that the software and the machine will enable us to develop new models much faster than before.

Alliance Office Systems LTD

How easy was it for your staff to learn the new system?

All of the software is very easy to learn. The pattern-making software is the most challenging, but the basics can be learned within a day or two. The machine operating software is much more straightforward, and we’ve trained new operators from within the company in just half a day.

How does Pathfinder compare with other cutters you’ve used?

We haven’t had any automated cutting machines previously, but we evaluated numerous options before purchasing the Pathfinder. We found the other machines to be overly complicated for furniture applications and more suited to apparel.

Would you go back to manual operations now?

We still have the capability to cut manually for smaller items, but we are increasingly shifting to the Pathfinder machine due to its clear benefits. Therefore, I can confidently say we will not be going back to manual operations.

Would you recommend Pathfinder?

Yes, we would have no hesitation in recommending Pathfinder. The level of support, from ordering to installation and after-service, has been excellent.

Craig Weston – Production Manager at Knightsbridge Furniture

How did you handle cutting before?

We were using a different cutting machine that was not meeting our needs.

Why did you decide to automate your cutting process?

We decided to automate our cutting process many years ago to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

How has Pathfinder improved your business?

The new machine has provided numerous benefits in terms of efficiency, reliability, and lower service contract costs compared to our previous machine.

How easy was it for your staff to learn the new system?

It was easy for the operatives to learn. The Pathfinder software is very user-friendly.


How does Pathfinder compare with other cutters you’ve used?

As a new machine, it is more user-friendly and reliable. The software is easy to learn and use, which has also streamlined training time.

Would you go back to manual operations now?

No, never. We’re very happy with the new machine.

Would you recommend Pathfinder?

Yes, we highly recommend Pathfinder for their reliable machines.